14 Dec Local Association Spotlight: Home Builders Association of Kosciusko-Fulton CountiesGrowing through the Struggle
Submitted by EO, Shelby Roberts
Good things come to those that wait. At the end of every storm is a rainbow. There are a million different ways to say that patience is a major key to success.
The Builders Association of Kosciusko-Fulton Counties is proud to announce that we will be joining forces with the Marshall County Builders Association to become the Builders Association of North Central Indiana (BANCI).
We will focus on serving Kosciusko, Fulton and Marshall counties but are looking past the county lines to service the building industry.
With COVID-19 came the cancellation of the majority of our events for the year. With the merger, comes a growth in membership, resources, and events. A new hope for the future of our association and the building industry.
Small Successes
While the majority of our events were cancelled in 2020 due to COVID-19, we were still able to put together a few successful events. August brought our membership together for the first time since February. In early August, we got together to Rebuild and Refresh. We drank wine, listened to great music from Don Middlebrook, and just spent time together. We were blessed with good weather in August and September for golf outings. Our August Coats for Kids Golf Outing brought our membership out to raise money to provide coats for elementary school students at 19 local elementary schools. Our September Golf Outing brought the membership out to help raise money for the scholarship fund for high school students interested in a career in the building industry.
More to Come
The 2021 calendar for BANCI is shaping up to be a busy year for events, meeting, and networking events. We are planning to hold two Home and Outdoor Show events, two Golf Outings, and a Homes on Parade. The time away in 2020 proved to us that we thrive when we get together. Our association has built a community based on connections, and we were missing our connections.
For 2021, we are hopeful that we will be able to return to normal activities and turn all of our hard work into a reality. We are excited about a new venue for our Warsaw Home and Outdoor Show and our Plymouth Golf Outing. We are also going to continue to explore our member businesses through sponsored General Membership Meetings. Our members host the meetings at their facilities so we can see firsthand the services they can offer.
We have had a great response from the few meetings we have been able to have this way and are looking forward to many more. Lastly, we are just looking forward to getting to grow our association in the industry. We are looking to educate those that are not aware of the benefits of the builders association and continuing to support our members and our community.
Thanking Our Man, Brett
Finally, on behalf of the Builders Association of North Central Indiana, we would like to send a huge thank you to Brett Harter. Brett began his involvement with the association in 2002. Since then, he has shown that he has a passion for the building industry and helping others grow their passions.
Brett served as the BAKFC President from 2013 for 2016. Brett continued to be a valuable asset for our association, while sharing his talents with the Indiana Builders Association. Brett always shows up with a smile on his face and a positive attitude. More than a member of our association, he is a great friend to each of us as well as the industry. We cannot wait to see what comes next. Brett, we are so proud of you and thank you for being on our team.
As 2020 draws to a close, there is so much uncertainty in the world. The Builders Association of North Central Indiana strives to be a place of comfort. We will be here to support our members and those in the building industry. We never know what will happen tomorrow, but you can count on us to be here.
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