Building Codes

Building Codes

The Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission (Commission) is a 12-member commission established in Indiana Code 22-12-2 that meets monthly to conduct its business. In general, the commission is tasked with: (1) creating a statewide code of fire safety laws and building laws; (2) reviewing variance requests to codes it has adopted; (3) reviewing petitions or proposals to modify its building and fire safety laws; and (4) reviewing orders enforcing fire and building safety laws.

A list of Commission members, monthly meeting information, variance application and database, and codes under review is available here.

Indiana Residential Code

The code in effect for the construction of one-and two-family dwellings and townhouses is the 2020 Indiana Residential Code (effective December 26, 2019). The 2020 IRC is based on the 2018 International Residential Code with Indiana amendments. View the free, digital version of the 2020 IRC here, or purchase the digital or soft cover versions of the 2020 IRC here.

Building code dispute? Request an interpretation.

Indiana Code 22-13-5 grants the state building commissioner in the Indiana Department of Homeland Security the authority to interpret a building law or a fire safety law. Upon the written request of an interested person, the state building commissioner shall issue a written interpretation of a building law or a fire safety law not later than ten (10) business days after the date of receiving a request. Further, the state building commissioner may issue a written interpretation of a building law or fire safety law whether or not the county or municipality has taken any action to enforce the building law or fire safety law. This means a home builder does not have to wait to be red tagged before requesting a written interpretation. Finally, a written interpretation binds the interested person and the county or municipality with whom the interested person has the dispute unless the written interpretation is overruled by the Indiana Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission. A written interpretation of a building law or fire safety law binds all counties and municipalities if the state building commissioner publishes the written interpretation in the Indiana Register.


Send Request for Written Interpretation


View Non-Rule Policy Documents/Interpretations of the Commission’s Rules

Additional Resources

NAHB Building Codes Staff Liaisons

For information on structural design, materials, energy conservation, fire safety, electrical, plumbing, heating, cooling, ventilation, indoor air quality, radon, accessibility, safety, acoustics, disaster mitigation, green building, and more, contact NAHB Building Codes Staff Liaisons.

Want to see more codes and laws?