Our Successes

IBA Top Accomplishments

Legislative & Regulatory Accomplishments

  1. Passed Prohibition of Residential Fire Sprinkler Mandate – Law prohibits the state or local unit of government from requiring the installation of fire sprinklers in one-and two-family dwellings and townhouses.
  2. Passed $75M Funding for Residential Housing Infrastructure & Residential TIF Flexibility: Establishes the residential housing infrastructure assistance program and revolving fund, with a $75M allocation in the state budget over the biennium, for political subdivisions to reduce the cost for infrastructure projects related to the development of residential housing (e.g., water and sewer lines, streets and sidewalks). The legislation also eliminated the 1% test for residential TIF, which limited the use of residential TIF to areas where the number of homes constructed over the past three calendar years was less than 1% of the total number of single-family residential homes in the area and eliminated the requirement for approval by affected school corporations.
  3. Passed legislation that Balanced State Building Commission & Created Consistent Code Adoption Process: Modifies the composition of the existing Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission with a more balanced membership of construction industry professionals to cover the design, construction and inspection of structures regulated by the statewide building codes. Establishes a consistent code adoption process with a limit of 3 codes per year and no sooner than 5 years from when the last code was adopted. Delays enforcement of new statewide building codes until 6 months after they’re adopted.  Prohibits local ordinances more stringent than the statewide building codes while providing an annual review process for the Commission to consider amendments to the codes from local units of government.
  4. Passed $2M funding for workforce development: The state budget includes a $2M allocation over the biennium for the Build Your Future Indiana program to encourage and promote careers in construction.
  5. Clarified IDEM Will Not Regulate Ephemeral Streams in Indiana, consistent with the federal WOTUS rule.
  6. Supported Adoption of New Statewide Residential Code that balances safety with affordability and, for the first time, has state-specific amendments integrated into the text that can be viewed digitally for free.
  7. Passed Prohibition on Local Builder License & Registration Requirements – A local unit of government may not pass an ordinance after February 28, 2013 requiring a builder or remodeler to obtain a license or register as a condition to working within a jurisdiction.
  8. Passed Inclusionary Zoning Prohibition – Prohibits a local unit of government from requiring a private developer to set aside a percentage of new units or homes for affordable housing.
  9. Passed Right to Work Law, Repealed Common Construction Wage Law, and Defeated Employee Classification – Indiana’s Right-to-Work law prohibits an employer, labor organization, or person from requiring an individual to become or remain a member of a labor organization or pay dues, fees, or assessments as a condition of employment, new or continued. Repealing the common construction wage law allows for competition in the public bidding process which saves local governments money and lowers the tax burden for taxpayers. Defeating employee classification legislation keeps independent contractors from being forced to become employees of the general contractor.
  10. Passed Property Tax Breaks – Model Home Act gives builders a 50% property tax break on up to 3 structures for 3 full assessment periods while the Spec. Home Act provides the same tax break on any home that has never been occupied.
  11. Passed State Plan Review Changes – Establishes statutory deadlines for state plan review of class 1 projects giving plan reviewers 10 business days to decide if they will perform a plan review, 20 days to perform an initial plan review and 10 days to respond to any corrections submitted following the initial review.
  12. Passed Vested Property Rights Statute – Law prohibits a local unit of government from changing the use of land for period of time and provides that the granting of secondary, additional or related permits under local planning and zoning laws are to be governed for at least three years by standards and regulations in effect at time of application for the permit.
  13. Passed Law Defining Townhouses as Class 2 Structures –Allows townhouses to be constructed without the use of a design professional and also removes a requirement that townhouses be subject to the state plan review process.
  14. Passed Developers Discount Statute – Allows builders and developers to sell lots without triggering a new assessment until a permit is pulled or construction begins on a lot.
  15. Passed Affordable Housing Tax Credit: Provides a state tax credit to multifamily projects financed with tax-exempt bonds issued by the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) that receive federal 4% low-income housing tax credits (LIHTC) and can be claimed over a period of five taxable years.

IBA Top Accomplishments For Remodelers

Legislative & Regulatory Accomplishments

  1. Passed State & Local Plan Review Changes – State & local plan reviewers must complete an initial plan review within 30 days.
  2. Passed Legislation Halting Expansion of Builder/Remodeler Licensing – A local unit of government may not pass an ordinance after February 28, 2013 requiring a builder or remodeler to obtain a license or register as a condition to working within a jurisdiction.
  3. Passed legislation that Balanced State Building Commission & Created Consistent Code Adoption Process: Modifies the composition of the existing Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission with a more balanced membership of construction industry professionals, including a seat for a remodeler.  Establishes a consistent code adoption process with a limit of 3 codes per year and no sooner than 5 years from when the last code was adopted. Delays enforcement of new statewide building codes until 6 months after they’re adopted.  Prohibits local ordinances more stringent than the statewide building codes while providing an annual review process for the Commission to consider amendments to the codes from local units of government.
  4. Supported Adoption of New Statewide Residential Code with Exceptions for Remodeling – The code balances safety with affordability while providing exceptions for remodeling projects to comply with new requirements, and, for the first time, has state-specific amendments integrated into the text that can be viewed digitally for free.
  5. Defeated Employee Classification – Legislation would have forced independent contractors to become employees of the general contractor.
  6. Passed Home Improvement Fraud Law – Law increases penalties on home repair scam artists across the state.
  7. Passed Home Improvement Contract Law Change – Makes a home improvement contract between a supplier and a consumer subject to certain conditions and requirements if the contract is entered into as a result of damage, loss, or expense if insurance is involved or a 3rd party is liable.
  8. Defeated the Transfer of the EPA’s Renovation, Repair and Painting Programs From the Federal Government to a State Agency – Contractors already paid fees to the EPA and under the bill the fees already paid would not be allowed to follow the program to the state, so contractors would be subject to additional fees and potential fines.
  9. Defeated Onerous Provisions in Lead-Based Paint Legislation – Would have mandated inspections on rental properties built before 1978 performed by a licensed inspector and considered presence of lead paint to be a property defect subject to the Responsibility Property Transfer Law.
  10. Defeated Shortening Timeframe in Mechanic’s Lien Statute – Would have shortened the amount of time to send notice of right to file mechanic’s lien from 60 days to 30 days.
  11. Passed Measure Requiring the State Building Commissioner to Issue Interpretations within 10 Business Days
  12. Passed Measure Allowing Remodel of Townhouses Without the Use of a Design Professional or Obtaining a Construction Design Release from the State
  13. Passed Abandoned Housing Reforms – Local government can decrease the time it takes to get abandoned property back into productive uses.
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