14 Feb Help Build the Next Generation of Craft Trade Professionals by Serving as a BYF Ambassador
Build Your Future Indiana is a unique collaboration of employers, state agencies and industry associations. Our goal is to encourage Indiana residents to learn about construction craft careers and training opportunities now emerging in our state, and to qualify for and get jobs in these high-demand occupations.
“As a young professional, I feel it is important to change the viewpoint, showcase the enjoyable career path, and help get more students involved – after all, they are the future of everything we build,” describes H-E Homes co-owner and current Build Your Future (BYF) Ambassador Andrew Brindley.
Andrew has been serving for a few years as a BYF Ambassador and chose to give back to the industry that has given him so much.
BYF Ambassadors have three goals.
Shift public perception about careers in the construction industry to reflect the wide range of professions available.
Make career education and awareness a priority in their community.
Provide a path from ambition to training to job placement as a craft professional.
To achieve those goals, BYF Ambassadors serve as subject matter experts to speak in schools and other public events like career fairs across the state about the benefits careers in construction have to offer. Students have the chance to learn directly from industry professionals about what a day in the life of a craft trade worker is like while teachers will begin connecting with industry experts.
In return, BYF Ambassadors get to have a really powerful experience, as well. Andrew says he enjoys, “getting to know the parents and kids, having a strong connection with them, and providing a real-world example that construction can be a real possibility for a great career.” These relationships are exactly the power of the BYF Ambassador program. Through these relationships, students and parents learn about the many opportunities provided by the construction industry.
If you’d like to join the crew of BYF Ambassadors and have the chance to talk to the next generation of craft trade professionals, BYF is looking for individuals all over the state to serve. To learn more about the BYF Ambassador program or to sign up to serve, email Matthew Nance at matthew@indianaconstruction.org.
Above: Andrew Brindley is a current BYF Ambassador and advocates in his community for young professionals to joining th construction industry.
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